Taking care of men's mental health and well-being

At Back and Forth Mens Mental Health, we understand the importance of men's mental health and the challenges men face in seeking support. That's why we have created a supportive community where men can come together to share their experiences, build strong connections, and promote overall well-being.



Following the tragic passing of Marc Forth in April 2023, the idea for this group was formed. Men struggle to talk and sometimes become so consumed in their thoughts, they only see one way out. With the kind permission of Marcs family, his named was used to form the group, so that his memory and legacy will live on. If the group only helps one person to speak out, and get help, then it has been a success.


In loving memory of Marc Forth


Who We Are - Meet the founding members

Name: Dan Phillips

Age: 43

Hobbies/interests: Football/Rugby/Bowls/Fishing/Lego/Classic Cars.

Random fact about yourself: I once met Lemar in a gents toilet and shook his hand…….only after he left did I realise the hand dryer wasn’t running and his hands weren’t wet!


 I've created this group to help men struggling with their mental health. My goal was to organise regular walks and events where men can come together and feel comfortable talking, in confidence and without judgement.  I myself have gone through dark times and lost those close to me through suicide because they didn't feel like they had anyone to turn to.












Name: Jon Barratt



 Hobbies/interests: cricket, golf, rugby, scuba diving, musicals, live music and circuit training.

 Random fact about yourself: I am an official ambassador for Aubrey Allen after doing one of their butchery classes lol. Also been doing circuit training for nearly 12 months to help with my mental health 


Name: Keil Hetherington
Age: 40

Hobbies: Motorbikes/Rugby/Wine/Travel
Random fact: I have metal pins in my arm caused by one of my hobbies

Name: Dale Hughes


Photo and details coming soon

Name: Kev Vince
Age: 43
Hobbies: Rugby, football, American football, tae kwon do, playing guitar, outdoor adventure, films.
Random fact: I completed the 3 peaks challenge with both big toe nails missing after packing the wrong shoes

Name: Liam Stein
Age: 31
Hobbies: Gaming, Walking, Lego, The Conqueror Challenges
Random fact: I once met Russel Howard in the cinema and asked for a photo. In the process I spilled my drink all over myself!

Name: Will Haynes
Age: 24
Hobbies: Singing, Gaming, anything that involves adrenaline
Random fact: When I first started secondary school, I ended up being an extra in the film, Nativity 2, in the 
Evil Choir".

Welcome to Back and Forth Mens Mental Health

Taking care of men's mental health and well-being

We are a men's mental health and well-being group who meet regularly for walks, social events, and discussions. Our aim is to provide a safe space for men to share their experiences, support each other, and learn valuable coping strategies.

Why Choose Back and Forth Mens Mental Health

We offer a range of activities and resources to support men's mental health and well-being.

Regular Walks and Outdoor Activities

We believe that spending time outdoors and engaging in physical activity is crucial for mental well-being. Join us for regular walks and outdoor activities in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Social Events

We organise various social events where men can come together, have meaningful conversations, and form genuine connections. From casual gatherings to workshops, there's something for everyone.

Supportive Community

Our community is built on trust, respect, and confidentiality. We provide a safe space for men to open up, share their experiences, and support each other through difficult times.

Coping Strategies and Resources

We offer valuable coping strategies and resources to help men manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. Our discussions cover a wide range of topics related to men's mental well-being.

A wealth of experience thanks to over 1000 members from a broad cross-section of society

A network of individuals, committed to supporting those around them

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