Taking care of men's mental health and well-being

Our Mission

Supporting men on their mental health journey

At Back and Forth Mens Mental Health, our mission is to provide a safe and inclusive space where men can openly discuss their mental health, find support, and access resources to enhance their overall well-being. We are dedicated to breaking down the barriers that prevent men from seeking help and fostering a community that encourages vulnerability, understanding, and growth.


Supporting men "One step at a time".

Click below for details of all of our events

Dan's Story

Some of the group have been brave enough to share their stories, and have agreed to publish them in the hope of encouraging others

The Why?

I’ve spoken here before about why I wanted to start the group and have said how the walks help me keep my emotions in check. I’m not running the walks or the group for any kind of recognition or pats on the back, I’m doing it because it’s personal to me and I need the group as much as anyone. 

Time for change

I’ve lost people close to me, several of whom wish I had spoken to, and maybe things would be different. Losing Marc last year was the final straw really and it felt like there was nothing out there for people who were struggling. About 12 months ago I was sat here thinking would this idea work, and would people get involved?

Aside from that I’ve had personal battles with bereavements, the loss of twins, and I went off the rails for a while, before getting to marry Jen and realising my behaviour was hurting everyone around me. 

Present Day me

My family have been a rock through it all, and included in that are the people in this group. Some I have never met in person, but the spirit and togetherness being created in here shows me that this off the cuff idea I had in the middle of a pretty bleak time last year, is beginning to become what I hoped it would be.

The Mission

Don’t stop asking each other if you are ok. And ask twice!

As a group we will be here for you whenever you need us and my phone is always on and I will always answer. My door is open and the kettle is always on standby.

One step at a time, one foot in front of the other. (I’m thinking of making that the groups motto)

I have many more ideas rattling around in this little brain of mine. Watch this space and let’s make this something that Frothy would be proud of.

Liam's Story

Some of the group have been brave enough to share their stories, and have agreed to publish them in the hope of encouraging others

Who am I?

I would also like to share my journey so far

I was a store manager for a retail shop for 9 years in that time I was victim to 2 armed robberies where on both occasions I had a knife held to my throat for what felt like a life time being young at the time I thought I would be fine so pushed or down in my head


Tough time

I carried on as normal everything I felt was normal until 3 years ago I lost my grandad suddenly in the night. He was found peacefully which is the only good thing to take out of it. He was my idol, my best friend and the person who would at any time of day answer the phone and drive to me and talk and listen and to have that ripped away was heartbreaking for me .

That's when my head started to go south I became angry snappy but out it down to my work load 

My darkest time

Last year I had a total breakdown at home I couldn't control my crying my anger my desire to not get out of bed play with my kids even hold hands with my wife I completely shut my self off from the world.

Until one day I looked in the mirror and said to myself what am I doing I have 2 kids that adore me a wife that loves me unconditionally.

I marched down to the doctors and refused to leave until I was seen I had to wait 8 months to start therapy

The Mission

Until I saw this group my wife forced me to go for a walk and I did and here I am today smiling again feeling positive about life.

Don't get me wrong I still have my demons I'm battling bit with medication Dan's help and support and everyone in this group being able to talk to you gents and not feeling judged or laughed at means the world to me so I thank each and everyone of you

To any one reading this you are not alone, reading this could be your first step in reaching out and if I have helped one man think it's my time to talk, my time to help myself then my job is complete

Jon's Story

Some of the group have been brave enough to share their stories, and have agreed to publish them in the hope of encouraging others

Who am I?

I’ve been in the police 23 years this month and as for most of it loved it. I’ve had both front teeth knocked out while on duty and spent 2 years fighting for the job to pay for the treatment. I’ve seen things that normal people haven’t seen or shouldn’t see.

4 to 5 years ago I got knocked over on duty, I was pinned between 2 cars (the one that hit me was doing between 40-50 mph according to witnesses) I was really lucky as I only came away with bad bruises. Since then subconsciously I was trying to get off the front line, 1 by tutoring and 2 applying for other roles ( I think at the last count it was 10 or 11 tries) but failed them all and felt trapped.  


"That" day

It all came to a head in September 2022 when after returning from holiday with an abscess in my left ear I had a break down at home cried my eyes out to my wife saying I did feel safe going back out on the street as I kept thinking about how lucky I was when I was knocked over. If I had been standing 6 inches to the right I don’t think I would be here writing this as I would be six feet under. 

My journey

The job took over 12 months to sort any sort of counselling out I ended up trying to do things on my own like joining a gym (which has helped no end so a massive thanks to the family at Fit365)

It felt like nobody had the first clue what I was going through I ended up with 5 months off in total. I again had to try and sort a move away from the front line on my return as nobody seemed interested still.

Once that got sorted I fell into a role which I am currently doing. I thought at the time I would be able to manage the confrontation side of it as I am effectively a car park attendant. This has proved a lot harder than I thought as I still have lots of anxiety over challenging people and all I am doing is what I have been told to do, but the amount of shit you get even when trying to help and give advice to younger in service is amazing. It got to the point I spoke to Dan a while ago and almost gave up being a trustee due to the stress and anxiety it was causing. The thing that stopped me apart from Dan was the thought of giving up on Frothy I still feel some guilt for perhaps not trying hard enough to keep in touch with him before he did what he did. I’m not sure I will ever get over those thoughts even though I know he had made his decision and it does matter what anybody had said he still would have gone through with it, but it doesn’t stop me thinking could I have helped!!!!

Join Our Community

If you're looking for a supportive community that understands the unique challenges faced by men, then look no further. Join Back and Forth Mens Mental Health today and gain access to a network of individuals who are committed to promoting men's mental well-being.


Some of our recent events and walks, where we were grateful to have been joined by the Mayor of Rugby Simon Ward, MP John Slinger, West Midlands Police Chief Constable Craig Guildford and Bill Skelly, Chair of Team Police.

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